最新消息 News

[公告Announcement]資院EMI中心獎勵辦法修訂 Regulations revision



  • 學生獎勵補助辦法修訂第六條:新增大一獎勵金。
  • 學生獎勵補助辦法修訂附件五。
  • 教師及助教EMI教學獎勵補助辦法修訂第十條:補助對象及資格修改。
  • 教師及助教EMI教學獎勵補助辦法修訂十二條:補助內容修改。


“Student EMI Learning Subsidy” and “Bilingual Learning Faculty and Teaching Assistant Incentives” have been revised by CI EMI Committee at 5th, Jan. 2024.

  • Amend Student EMI Learning Subsidy Article 6th
  • Amend Bilingual Learning Faculty and Teaching Assistant Incentives Article 10th, 12th

Click here: Student EMI Learning SubsidyBilingual Learning Faculty and Teaching Assistant Incentives


(CI-EMI Resource Center)