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轉知-[活動訊息]電通學院EMI教師培力工作坊/CECE EMI Teaching Enhancement Workshop



****** 以下提供兩場工作坊:

  1. 第一場:EMI課程的有效提問策略與課堂活動
    講師:藍蕾 老師(國立臺北大學應用外語學系副教授)
    時間:2024年 1/17(三) 13:00-15:00 (當日12:00-13:00敬備餐點)
  2. 第二場:大學英語授課中的有效教學結構
    講師:謝承諭 博士 (國家教育研究院助理研究員)
    時間:2024年1/18(四) 10:00-12:00


電機通訊學院/EMI 雙語教學資源推動中心





Welcome to participate in the EMI  Teaching Enhancement Workshop  !

★Please proceed with the registration form herehttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSesnlCwQTDos7Wtfp-xGRpnp5eRd6immpuSxjcOOpuNn3zW7A/viewform

We are offering two workshops:

◎Workshop 1:Effective Questioning Strategies and Classroom Activities in EMI Courses

  1. Instructor: Professor Lei Lan (Associate Professor , Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, NTPU  )
  2. Date and Time: Jan.17, 2024 (Wednesday) 13:00-15:00 (Lunch will be provided from 12:00 to 13:00 on the same day)
  3. Venue: Room 70507, Building Seven, Yuan Ze University (Limited to 40 participants)

◎Workshop 2: Effective Instructional Structure of EMI in Universities

  1. Instructor: Chen-Yu Chester Hsieh, Ph.D. (Assistant Research Fellow,  National Academy for Educational Research)
  2. Date and time: Jan. 18, 2023 10:00- 12:00
  3. Venue:  Conducted online; the meeting link will be provided via email one week before the event.


Registration Period: From now until January 11, 2023 (Thursday) at 12:00 PM.

(CI-EMI Resource Center)