最新消息 News

[活動訊息]112-2雙語閱讀社團 Bilingual Reading Club


時間:2024/02/22 (四) 12:10~13:00





EMI Resource Center, College of Informatics is going to hold a Bilingual Reading Club.

This activity will be lead by International Bachelor Program in Informatics foreign students.

Looking forward to your participation!

Date & Time: 2024/02/22 (Thu.) 12:10~13:00

Place: R1109

*Lunch will be prepared for this activity!

*Limit of Participants: 20(Only for College of Informatics’ student)

Please make a registration before 20th, Feb. at https://portalx.yzu.edu.tw/PortalSocialVB/FPage/PageActivityDetail.aspx?Menu=Act&ActID=11343

(CI-EMI Resource Center)